Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Online Storage

The company that I chose to evaluate is Photobucket. The reason that I chose photobucket is because I am very familiar with the site because I use it myself. I use it to upload pictures on my own personal websites such as facebook or myspace. Photobucket makes it very easy to share pictures with friends and family. It is also very helpful because it gives you the HTML codes automatically to post a picture on the web.

On a basic photobucket account it holds up to 1 GB of photos, videos and slideshows. Photobucket also allows their users to share their photos through Facebook, email, and even MySpace. Photobucket also offers a “Go Pro” account where you can pay 3 dollars a month or 25 dollars a year for a 5GB of space. This type of account also offers more features such as editing features that the standard account does not offer.

Some of the pros to online storage are that you can access your account from anywhere, and show your pictures to anyone from any computer. Another pro is that it is easy from anyone all around the world to access you account. This is a pro when you want your loved ones or friends to access your pictures, but a con if an individual you don’t want to access your account such as an online predator will be able to see your account unless its has a lock on it. Another con is it is internet based and if you are unable to access the internet you can not see your pictures. Also, if for some reason the internet company crashes or has technical difficulties you may loose your pictures and not be able to get them back.