Monday, April 7, 2008

Comparing Microsoft Word And Google Docs

Google Docs and Microsoft Word have a lot of the same attributes. In many ways they are also very different. I personally use Microsoft Word and had never even heard of Google Docs. I was also unaware that documents could be posted online. After researching information on Google Docs I discovered that this program may prove to be useful on other assignments in the future.

Google Docs allows a user to type documents at any working computer. It also allows a user to access their documents once uploaded at any location with internet access, so wherever you are you can access your work. On Google Docs you are also able to create spreadsheets and even presentations. Also on Google Docs you are able to email your documents to a listed email and the document will be automatically added to your file. Although Google Docs has many great qualities, Microsoft word has qualities that I admire and prefer.

Microsoft Word is able to perform many tasks other than typing a document. On Word a user is able to make graphs, organization charts, diagrams, and even insert pictures. Word also has a thesaurus tool as well as a word count. Word also has an assistant to help with your writing issues. Word is able to bring up previous documents that have been saved on the computer also. Though Word and Google Docs have differences they also have similarities.

Both Word and Google Docs allow the user to change the font and color of the font, although Word has more variety in font style. They both also allow you to change the page spacing’s and style. Google Docs allows the user to add a comment into their writings in which Word does not. Word has themed pages which Google Docs does not. They have many differences but they both still allow the user to type a document.

One of the advantages of using Google Docs is that the user is able to access their documents anywhere with internet access. Another advantage of using Google Docs over Microsoft Word is that your documents are able to be posted online. One of the disadvantages of using Google Docs is that there is not much font variety. Another disadvantage is that Google Docs is primarily based on publishing documents online and is not able to do as much formatting as Microsoft Word is able to.

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